We Live in an Era of Mass Hysteria
Joost Meerloo,
author of "Rape of the Mind", "compares the reactions of
citizens living in totalitarian states to those of schizophrenics. Both rulers
and the governed are sick. Both live in a fog of delusions, as the entire
society, its rules, and communication are maintained through these notions
based on a fear that those in power deliberately use to discipline the
The coronavirus caused disease, but was it anything other than an epidemic on par with Hong Kong disease, AIDS, Ebola, Bird flu, SARS, Swine flu, and other more or less exotic diseases? Why did the coronavirus develop into a massive mass hysteria, while the other epidemics did not to the same extent?
And now the myth and demonization of today's Jews, the horrible Russians. According to the Danish Social Democratic leader Mette Frederiksen, they will attack us, if not today, then tomorrow.
A major diversionary maneuver
What is the reason for this mass hysteria? What is it that the ruling global class and its corrupt political elite and propaganda press want to hide from us?
It did not cause much of a stir that the journal "Life Science" in 2021 reported that a piece of Antarctica's ice sheet almost one and a half times larger than Funen had calved and torn away. This world's largest iceberg amounts to a sizable 4,320 square kilometers. At the same time, the Greenland ice sheet is shrinking, just as the Northwest and Northeast Passages, previously covered by ice all year round, are now navigable for increasingly longer periods in the summer. Ecological disasters lurk ahead due to climate change, yet it is not the main issue of public debate on international problems and crises.
George Orwell's essay "The Prevention of Literature" describes self-censorship, which may be another explanation for why capitalism and "red tape" can prevent opinion leaders from telling the truth. As the long-term danger to free speech increases, no one has the "appetite" to stand up to the hysterical mass stream of false narratives. Writers are forced or pressured to express things that they know are false. They avoid things that they know to be true. Events marked unmentionable by those responsible do not exist or are distorted and falsified.
Moreover, Orwell's essay revealed that, as in many other essays written around this time, he was concerned about the looming threat of totalitarianism and a ruling class clinging to power.
"Totalitarianism, however, promises not so much an age of faith as an age of schizophrenia. A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes overtly artificial. When its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud."
The anachronistic strategy of the ruling class in the United States and Europe rests on neoliberalism, globalization, and imperialism. However, the global dominance of the economic and political Western elite, rooted in neoliberalism, is under attack because of the new multilateral world order, the Eurasian alliance, and the strengthened economic cooperation between the BRIC countries. Furthermore, internal contradictions due to working-class strikes and protests, right-wing ideology, and a declining social capital are creating desperation among members of the dwindling bourgeois power bloc because, as Orwell put it in 1946, it has shown an inability to govern and rule economically, politically and in relation to the pervasive climate change.
Moreover, with new cutting-edge information technology opportunities, it is evident that this desperation motivates the creation of a more comprehensive mass hysteria due to Social platforms. Those, spread false information quicker without a proper scientific evaluation, and to make things even worse analysis and "news" are flooded through distortion and propagandistic false narratives.
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming...
Thus, the information misery can only be due to a single-minded strategy aimed at unifying entire populations in a mass psychosis of lies and deception, just as we saw it when Nazi Germany sought to pave the way for the Thousand Years Third Reich.
According to Charlie McCarthy, Newsmax, the Danish population must now hoard food, iodine pills for nuclear fallout, store water, food, and medicine amid a supposedly increasing nuclear threat from Russia. According to Bloomberg, the neoliberal Danish defense minister Troels Lund Poulsen at Denmark's annual democracy meeting on Bornholm claimed that "Denmark's government (must, GW) increase its preparedness for a possible war and has warned the Danes to do the same."
This outrage follows that the threat level for destructive cyber-attacks against companies and authorities was raised earlier this month. What this has to do with the alleged nuclear attack on Denmark is lost in the unknown. In any case, all Danish households are encouraged to establish emergency supplies in the form of canned and non-perishable food. Furthermore, Each household must provide each individual with 2.4 liters of water for three days. Emergency toilets and batteries, flashlights, and candles are recommended so that nuclear coziness really can take hold among those who have basements to escape to before we die anyway. It is worse with tenants or homeowners, that do not have basements. Where can they flee to? Maybe it will be an old bunker from World War II that does not provide protection.
It is not the first time in history that this kind of scare campaign has been run.
Back in 1962, a pamphlet was published titled "If the war comes". This pamphlet, too, contributed to creating a veritable mass hysteria. The pamphlet was filled with advice on how to proceed in the event of an attack by the despicable Soviet Russians. As the chairman of the Socialist People's Party, Aksel Larsen, pointed out at the time, the pamphlet worked completely against its intention. It was supposed to reassure, but instead, it became frightening, not least because the instructions were difficult to follow, not to say useless. Effective protection is immediately afterward a nuclear attack impossible both in the short run and definitely in the long term. The idea that one can survive a nuclear war is foolhardy and deadly. Nevertheless, there are so-called "experts" who claim the opposite. Both globally and at home, there were – as today – those who believed that it is possible to survive a nuclear Armageddon.
The authors of a new pamphlet, "What if," have learned nothing from the 1962 pamphlet although they cautiously use only the word "war" instead of nuclear war. This so-called emergency leaflet is produced by the People & Security organization, which does not know much about security policy. Nothing has been learned from past mistakes. A Laila Reenberg, head of the Danish Emergency Management Agency, admitted after the Bornholm panic that it is "very unlikely" that iodine tablets will be needed. It will help if one do not panic, she said (!). Is this retreat an acknowledgment that the hysteria is now getting out of hand because people are panicking?
Mass psychosis
Mass psychosis is defined as an epidemic madness that occurs when a large part of society loses all sense of reality and instead falls into delusions. The witch burnings of the 16th and 17th centuries, where thousands of victims, mostly women, were tortured, drowned, or burned alive at the stake, is an example. Nazism in Germany, which today has gained a foothold in NATO-backed Ukraine, and other examples of totalitarianism in recent times are also examples of this mass psychosis. Classical totalitarianism is characterized by the centralist State, which nullifies individual human rights.
Both members of the ruling class and the wage-working class and other ruled, are undergoing a pathological transformation. Rulers such as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, and Nicolae Ceausescu were put on a pedestal where they were worshipped as gods, while the underclass, the oppressed, became dependent individuals who were subjected to cognitive brainwashing. Joost Meerloo, author of "Rape of the Mind", "compares the reactions of citizens living in totalitarian states to those of schizophrenics. Both rulers and the governed are sick. Both live in a fog of delusions, as the entire society, its rules, and communication are maintained through these notions based on a fear that those in power deliberately use to discipline the powerless.
The deep State
A favorite manifestation of delusions is that we come across terms such as "conspiracy theories" or "fact-checking," which covers a totalitarian notion that the only "truths" are the narratives the ruling class and its god-like symbolic leaders reveal to the public. Dissent, protests, or whistleblowing are today criminalized in the Western imperialist centers. Just like in Soviet Russia, where similar occurrences led to the imprisonment of dissidents in closed wards or the sending of them to the Siberian outskirts on hard labor.
Well, we do not live in a totalitarian society, the brainwashed citizens of Europe and North America will probably vouch for each other. It is precisely here that they do not see how subtle fascism has become a snake in the Western gardens.
The totalitarian State, which in the international debate is called the Deep State, refers to hidden power structures. If we say that this State only existed and exists in places such as Russia, China, Turkey, and former Eastern European regimes, everything is in its finest order. If, on the other hand, we claim that it also exists in the West, you immediately get the words "conspiracy theorist" or "fact denier" attached to you, not to forget "Putinist". Without documenting whether the theory can be falsified using acceptable scientific methods, this has become part of the brainwashing storytelling.
To put it in all its simplicity - and the so-called common man probably knows this - the Deep State in the United States acts behind the official "democratic" structures; the terminology of the Deep State covers who really are the decision-makers.
Federal government employees, lobbyists for the capitalist giant corporations, and other demands and interest-articulating organizations manipulate or control key policymakers and the government bureaucracy without regard to the policies of Congress or the President of the United States.
The existence of a secret CIA program operated to brainwash the public should be something that would interest a critical journalist.
There is a coincidence between the activities of the CIA, the NSA, and social portals, and this points precisely to the fact that the mass-hysterical psychosis that is currently going on is initiated by subversive forces that expose the public to this brainwashing. With these sophisticated methods, freedom of speech is nullified. The examples are many - to name just a few: Algorithmic control of opinion formation and who can be heard, omission of inconvenient news, violations of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, banning other societies' news reporting, shadow banning of dissidents in search engines, censorship of critical journalism and social science, bots spewing a massive stream of lies - all of it bears the subtle neo-fascism, that the ruling class and its willing tools promote.
Who are the most aggressive?
The Swedish International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) is an internationally recognized center for peace research. In the institute's 2024 reports, statistically speaking, a completely different picture is presented if the term "the alleged Sino-Russian aggressive state" means that it must be those rearming the most who are the aggressors. Yet this is an example of the lies Politicians spread to the public. That Russia and China are proclaimed to be the aggressor, should of course be justified by SIPRI's statistics. However, this is by no means the case, so if the concept of conspiracy theory has any meaning at all, it is the Western propaganda machine USA, NATO, and EU commissioners - the latter not democratically elected - who see a conspiracy in Russia and China.
The share of global military spending for the 15 countries that "excelled" at having the highest spending showed that in 2023, the United States accounted for 37% of the 15 countries total, while Russia accounted for 4.5% and China for 12%. The other NATO partners, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Poland, accounted for 11.1%. It is NATO that, statistically speaking, is the aggressor.
On the other hand, it must be said that Russia, as far as nuclear armament is concerned, has 1588 missiles ready for use from military bases, while the Americans have 1744 and NATO partners France (280) and the UK (estimated 120). Since a devastating nuclear war is likely to lead to the annihilation of humanity up to several times, such comparisons are absurd. Russia has felt what a world war can lead to - over 25 million dead. The Americans, who launched a propagandistic D-Day hysterical forgetfulness of the Battle of Stalingrad, lost some 250,000 men in Europe during the entire World War II. The Russian loss at Stalingrad alone is estimated to be 750,000.
Russia does not want what Hitler called the total war.
Russia has no intention of starting a war against NATO. The aggression comes solely from NATO and the United States. It started with NATO's eastward expansion up to Russia's borders, despite American promises not to move east of the East German border. Furthermore, the containment strategy and the attempt to divide Russia into regions or countries like in the former Yugoslavia was carried on by the MAIDAN coup d'état organized by the United States.
After 2014, the persecution and discrimination of the Russian minority began. The language ban, the attacks on the Russian Church, and the genocide of 14,000 Russians, of which many were Russian citizens living in Donbas took shape. The broken Minsk agreements on autonomy to Donbas and Crimea, including the Americans' plans to take over the Russian naval base in Crimea planning to place nuclear weapons on this base, did not give the government in Moscow any alternative - only the special military operation remained an option. Days before the Russian invasion, the junta in Kiev was preparing to attack Donbas and Crimea. The Zelensky regime threatened to rearm Ukraine with Soviet missiles left after Ukraine became an independent state. The Russian Special Military Operation was special because it only aimed to secure Donbas and Crimea and protect the Russian population from terrorist Nazi troops enlisted in the Ukrainian army. It is still special because referendums showed that the Russian majority in Donbas and Crimea wanted to belong to Russia after Kiev and the West had broken the Minsk agreement.