Karl Marx Strolls Down the street of Stradun: A Historical Walk in Dubrovnik

(click the link to the video).
Imagine Karl Marx taking a historical stroll down the street of Stradun in Dubrovnik.
The city of Dubrovnik was for me in the period of the years 1981 - 1999 a regular activity: First, I was a resource person, and later I became a course director. I contributed to the teaching at the courses of "Participation, Workers Control, Self-management" and "Democracy and Economy".
Marx is still actual in the world of today. His critique of the political economy is a milestone in human thought. His development prospects of Historical Materialism and the Communist Manifesto are as actual as always, because of the global crisis of environmental disasters, a second Cold War, local wars, and the macroeconomic problems leading to an inflationary economic crisis.