Political Prisoners in the United States
The schizophrenic governments in Western societies discipline the populations in North America and Europe using Artificial Intelligence. Totalitarianism and a ruling class clinging to economic and political power is, in a historical context, not new. The gardens of the West are closing due to a new world economic order and signs of a beginning economic crisis that, at the surface, is characterized by stagnation and inflation (stagflation). Imperialism is losing the options of capital accumulation instigated through capital exports from the global peripheries, the new financial centers of the world, i.e., China, Russia, and the countries involved in BRICS and SCO. These days, the meetings in Russia between BRIC states and observing representatives from governments that are not yet members are preparing for a new international payment system, which means a de-dollarization and the fall of U.S. imperialism's most important bastion. At the same time, Ukraine is losing the war despite the tactical blunder it made in attacking the strategically unimportant region of Kursk. Thus, the ruling corporate elites of the West turn into desperation and panic. Attempts to intensify the information war by the ethnocentric Israel supporter Anthony Blinken and the aggression allowing Ukraine to attack Russia with NATO-controlled weapons are appearances of this panic.
The NATO expansion went all the way to the Russian borders despite James Baker's promise in 1991 not to expand one inch east of the Oder-Neisse Border between East Germany and Poland. The aim of NATO's aggression is rooted in imperialist attempts to contain and balkanize Russia so that transnational corporations can control and get access to Russia's vast resource base. Furthermore, cheap labor that opens up the maximization of the exploitation of labor is an important incentive for such corporate investments. Ukraine, rich in resources, was at the forefront of these endeavors. Eastern Ukraine's offshore oil and gas reserves and the 'breadbasket of Europe' in Ukraine were significant incentives for this move. Corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs' land grabbing paved the way for Western investors; foreign investors have now privatized between 25 and 30 % of the land.
The Red Army's protection and defense of Eastern Ukraine's Russian population exposed to genocide since 2014 is an obstacle to both the short-term privatization strategy of the Ukrainian puppet regime and the long-term containment and regionalization strategy formulated by the American diplomat and historian George Kennan as far back as the fifties. At the same time, the disintegration of the world economy due to the sanctions against Russia and other countries that do not adhere to the Illiberal ruling class spurs the crisis. The ruling classes' badly surreptitious attempts to rule the world veil that both Imperialism and Western Capitalism are on the brink of an economic crisis. Attempts to wash this out manifest themselves through the cautious use of language from mainstream economists as if we are in a "technical recession". Nonetheless, the underlying real occurrence of a falling profit rate trend over an extended period suggests that world Capitalism is in a classical overaccumulation crisis. The reverberations of the COVID hysteria, a significant increase in the inflation rate, and an increasing unemployment are surface appearances of this underlying crisis.
The Information War
The information war and the weakened propaganda machines of Washington and Brussels are, as mentioned, signs of the crisis. The Russian economy shows better performance in terms of growth and development than the West, which strengthens the potential for international cooperation, trade, and financial moves between the New World economies. It has created an interest and a change of policy where the peripheral economies and their new centers themselves appear as the appealing alternative to Imperialism. Populations, both inside Western social settings and outside, oppose Imperialism and welcome the multipolar Eur-Asian new powerful economic center.
Multifaceted Crisis
The crisis is multifaceted – economic, ecological, social, cultural, and ideological – for the West. The only thing that is left is to embark on the warfare economy through aggression against the economies of the new world order with central decision-makers that dismiss the gospel of Neo-liberalism and laissez-faire market economies. The strategy of the ruling class in the West is to discipline and oppress the populations so social upheavals, conflicts, and even revolutions or civil wars can be avoided. The black orchestra distinguished as totalitarianism, authoritarianism, or – let us say it as it is - neo-fascism is again on the rise; that is not just in Ukraine, where both classical fascism and neo-fascism dominate. It is now present in both North America and Europe.
In the U.S., the Democrat party apparatus is taking all sorts of precautionary steps to violate the basic human rights of democracy and free speech. That appears to cancel and persecute any political opposition, creating fear and self-censorship, violating citizen's privacy, oppressing people's right to self-determination, and violating a correct procedure for so-called democratic elections. The electoral system in the U.S. has nothing to do with democracy. Moreover, an oligarchy of corporate and political decision-makers ensures that all opposition is strangled.
The abuse of power can take both classical form and modernized form. The last mentioned appears as possibilities created through the use of A.I., shadow banning on social platforms and in search engines like Google, harassment of dissidents, the intelligence community's integration in and control of the mass media, the use of algorithms to censor oppositional points of view, the violation of privacy, and the promotion of babbling wokist identity politics that serve to derail the public debate so fundamental economic problems are avoided. The recent presidential debate showed the reigning political misery with two candidates who had an insight into economics and international relations at the level below a freshman entering an Economics 101 class.
Dissidents in the United States
However, relying on the classic type of oppression is now a repeated occurrence. According to Newsweek, some 378 individuals are still sentenced without a trial to incarceration over their alleged involvement in the demonstrations in D.C. on January 6th, 2021. That it was a relatively peaceful happening is documented in a video published on Fox News. There were signs of infiltration from the intelligence community, and the Capitol staff voluntarily opened the entrances for the protesters.
It is quite remarkable that the illiberal neo-fascist Biden–Harris administration persistently accuses other countries of locking up political prisoners and implementing rigged elections as if these incidences do not appear in the U.S. The list of political prisoners in the U.S. is according to "Toward Freedom" comprehensive. If a critical journalist or a national security state employee publicizes or blows the whistle regarding the revelation of a government's deliberate criminal acts, they risk imprisonment. Activists fighting for human rights or protesting against corporate interests creating environmental disasters lead to the same, and on top of that, we should not forget the prisoners detained in the Guantánamo torture center without charges. Another sign of neo-fascism is that capital punishment has been in use. A number of whistleblowers have been imprisoned or are still wanted.
Political Prisoners
It is not just right-wing debaters and activists who are being imprisoned on dubious charges. The African Peoples Socialist Party, which for quite many years worked on a platform of Pan-Africanist activism, is in opposition to the U.S. capitalist and imperialist domination, oppression, and exploitation of the African people within U.S. borders and outside.
On July 29th, 2022, armed FBI agents broke into the African People's Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela and his wife, Ona Zene Yeshitela's and other activists' properties implementing a violent raid with flash grenades and drones early in the morning in Missouri and Florida. Later, on September 12th this year, a jury in Tampa, Florida, concluded in a trial where the defense argued for the socialist's right to free speech that the Chairman of the party Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess, and Jesse Nevel were working as agents of Russia which carries up to 10 years in prison. The trial was, of course, rigged and false in all aspects – what has critiquing Capitalism to do with Russia, which is a regulated and mixed State- and Private capitalist economy (!)? Of the fourteen witnesses presented by the Government in the mockery trial, which gives one association to the Third Reichs Nazi show trials, twelve were FBI agents (!).
Will Corporate Capitalism Survive?
The economic and political crisis is an inherent veiled phenomenon. The U.S. is losing the information war due to honesty and openness, not just from media like Russia Today but also from independent debaters in the West, such as John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs and other independent sources, who still demonstrate the rare ability of critical thinking. Assessing the functioning and the state of Western Capitalism, we may rewrite Schumpeter, who, in his pathbreaking book "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy," asked whether Capitalism can survive. Will U.S. and Western Capitalism survive?